If you want to add expression at "filter" in Transform node or Reformat node,
ノード選択してコピーして、Script Editorでペーストする。
Select the node and copy and then paste in Script Editor.
ここでnameの直前に、インデントをあわせて、filter {{Transform1.filter}} を加える。
Here, you just need to add "filter {{Transform1.filter}}" avobe the "name" line. Please don't forget there should be " " means space at the top of this line, I mean it's kinda indent.
In this case, this is the "link" to the "filter" knob of Transform1.
あとは、このScript Editorの内容をノードグラフすればTransform1のfilterにリンクしたTransformノードができる。
And then, once you copy and paste these code in Script Editor on NodeGraph, you'll get Transform node which has the expression for "Transform1" in its filter knob.